H & F Urgent Care and Family Medicine


Urgent Care, Mobile Healthcare & Telemedicine located in Leander and N. Austin, TX


If you often experience unexplained fear, you’re not alone. An estimated 30% of Americans develop an anxiety disorder at some point. H & F Urgent Care and Family Medicine, led by Dorian Frackelton, CRNP, in North Austin, Texas, provides in-home anxiety care for people of all ages through our Lifestyle Wellness Program. Medical reviews have found that healthy eating, adequate sleep patterns, and physical activity are related to a decreased risk of anxiety. H & F Urgent Care & Family Medicine takes a holistic approach through Lifestyle Medicine to manage your anxiety symptoms and virtually provides routine visits through home visits and telehealth. Schedule an appointment by phone or online today. 

Anxiety Q & A

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is a disorder that affects your mental and physical health. The condition causes intense feelings of worry or fear, even when there’s nothing unusual going on in your environment.

While everyone experiences anxious feelings occasionally, especially in stressful situations, ongoing anxiety can interfere with your daily life.

H & F Urgent Care and Family Medicine provides comprehensive anxiety care in your own home. The mental health specialists can also meet you virtually through the telehealth platform for your follow-up appointments to ensure your anxiety is well controlled.

When should I seek medical attention for anxiety?

Schedule an in-home visit with the H & F Urgent Care and Family Medicine team if you experience anxiety symptoms that last longer than a few days. These symptoms can include physical and mental issues like:

  • Fear
  • Intrusive thoughts
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Excessive sweating
  • Shortness of breath

You might also experience a panic attack, a sudden episode of intense fear you can’t control.

The providers can meet with you online or in your home to evaluate your symptoms and confirm an anxiety diagnosis. They may also request blood work to rule out underlying medical conditions contributing to anxiety symptoms.

How is anxiety treated?

Your treatment plan for anxiety focuses on your overall health and wellness. The H & F Urgent and Family Medicine providers can recommend holistic strategies like healthy eating, stress reduction, and daily exercise  to help you feel more relaxed.

Other anxiety treatments include:


If lifestyle changes are not enough to calm your anxiety, the providers may prescribe anti-anxiety or antidepressant medications. These medicines work on the chemicals in your brain to relieve intrusive thoughts, restlessness, and other anxiety symptoms.

The providers continue to meet with you in your home or virtually to help you stay in control of your anxiety. They also monitor your use of medications and can make adjustments when necessary. 

Call H & F Urgent Care and Family Medicine in Texas to schedule an in-home or telehealth anxiety evaluation or book an appointment online today.